YOGA POSES/ ASANA (160 different asanas)
1.) Movement & Series
Preparatory movements to warm up the body, muscles and align the joints are taught in the program. These movements help prevent injuries during difficult yoga poses.
It helps in understanding the meaning of asana by developing awareness of the body movements and the subtle effects at various level of being.
In the course we teach 13 different types of movement and series from different positions.
2.) Asanas
Sage Patanjali defines asana as steady and comfortable position.
We follow this principal from Sage Patanjali (composer of yoga science) in teaching the aspects of practicing Asanas. Keeping in mind that one should be comfortable and steady while doing these yogic practices. Which is the golden rule of practicing Yogasanas (Postures). The purpose of asana practice is to influence, integrate and harmonise all the levels of being. Asanas have profound effects on every level of being if they are combined with awareness.
During the course we teach 90 different types of Asanas from different positions in its safest way.
3.) PAWANMUKTASANA SERIES( Poses for the removal of blockages which prevent free flowing of energy in body and mind)
Preparatory movements to warm up the body, muscles and align the joints are taught in the program. These movements help prevent injuries during difficult yoga poses.
It helps in understanding the meaning of asana by developing awareness of the body movements and the subtle effects at various level of being.
Pawanmuktasana Part 1 (Anti Rheumatic Group, 16 movements for releasing tensions from the joints of the body.)
Pawanmuktasana Part 2 (Digestive/Abdominal Group, 8 movements to strengthen the digestive system.)
Pawanmuktasana Part 3 (Energy block postures, 9 movements to improve the energy flow within the body.)
5.) YOGASANA – 5 Relaxation asana, 6 Meditative asana, 14 Standing asana, 14 Backward bending asana, 11 Forward bending asana, 4 Spinal twist asana, 18 Inverted asana, 22 Balancing Asana, Surya Namaskara, Chandra Namaskara and few advances asanas will be taught in the program who can do without strain.
PRANAYAMA (22 different breathing techniques)
‘Prana’ is a vital energy, and ‘ayama’ is control and extension of the vital energy. The process of controlling Prana is called Pranayama. So, pranayama is the science related to vital force supplying energy and controlling the body mind complex.
The participants will be learning 22 different breathing techniques,
1.)Pre-Pranayama Training
Conscious breathing/Heightening breath awareness/Sensitizing the lungs.
2.)Basic Breathing Methods
Diaphragmatic breathing/ thoracic breathing/ clavicular breathing/ yogic breathing.
3.)Preliminary Breathing Practices
Deep breathing/reverse breath/rhythmic breathing/extended exhalation/equalizing breath.
4.)Awareness of the Subtle breath
Awareness of Swara/Balancing the Swara/Prana Mudra Pranayama.
5.)Classical Pranayama
Nadi shodhan/Bhramari/Sheetali and Sitkari/Surya Bhedan/Ujjayi/Bhastrika/Kapalbhati
SHATKARMA (6 Cleansing Techniques)
Cleansing techniques are considered very important in Hatha Yoga, the effects of these on body and mind are profound. Body-mind balance can be achieved with the regular practice of these techniques. Many health problems can be treated using these techniques.
We teach 6 different cleansing techniques with theory lectures and regular practice in the course.
Jala Neti – nasal cleanse with saline water
Sutra Neti – nasal cleanse with a thread
Kapalbhati – cleansing breath
Tratak – candle gazing for eye cleansing.
Dhouti – stomach & digestive tract cleansing
Lagoo Shankha Prakshalana – short intestinal cleanse.
The Science of YOGA
History of YOGA
HATHA YOGA (History, Philosophy, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha and cleansing techniques.)
Different types of Yoga – Hatha/Raja/Jnana/Karma/Bhakti/Mantra/Kriya/Kundalini Yoga
AYURVEDA – Introduction/Body Types/Diet
Yoga Lifestyle
HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY – A basic knowledge of various body systems: Muscular System, Skeletal System, Joints, Digestive System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Excretory System, Reproductive System, Nervous System, Endocrine System/ Injuries and Preventions/ Physiology of Yoga Poses/ Physiology of Meditation Asanas/ Physiology of Cleansing techniques.
Special lectures and discussions will be conducted during the whole course on important topics,
Role of a Yoga Teacher
Aspects of teaching Asana
Alignment – myth and reality
Micro lessons
Check lists for micro lessons
Final lessons
Important points during lessons
General guidelines for teaching
Tips for effective teaching
Lesson planning
How to design Pranayama practice
Ethical guidelines for teachers
Self study
Tips for effective self- practice
Applied Yoga
Yoga nidra (yogic sleep)
Yoga for pregnancy
Obesity and yoga
Yoga during menstruation
Yoga practice at home
Yoga for back pain
Yoga for old age
Yoga for stress